There's Got to Be a Morning After

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Title: There's Got to Be a Morning After
Author(s): Emily Ross
Date(s): 1987
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Star Trek: TOS
Relationship(s): Kirk/Spock
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There's Got to Be a Morning After is a K/S story by Emily Ross.

It was published in the print zine Twin Destiny #1.


"Kirk must find a way to convince Spock that the damage inflicted on him during Spockʼs pon farr is far less than the pain he would endure if Spock were to die."

Reactions and Reviews

I liked this story. It was short, not particularly sweet, but good. It shows us the aftermath of a Pon Farr, though the word is never mentioned. Kirk and Spock simply beam up from a planet where they have been for awhile – just the two of them. First thing on the agenda: medical exams. Kirk is bruised and has injuries indicative of rape, though the word is never mentioned. Spock has elevated levels of...something. And he is very contrite and concerned. Kirk is determined to prove he has only minor injuries and will be fine. I found all three characters to be well written, and the entire story kept me wanting to know how things would end. And in the end, Kirk promises everything will be all right. I believe him.[1]


  1. ^ from The K/S Press #143