Theory of a Girl

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Title: Theory of a Girl
Author(s): Jintian Li
Genre(s): Buffy/Faith-implied
Fandom(s): Buffy the Vampire Slayer
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Theory of a Girl is a Buffy Buffy/Faith-implied story by Jintian Li.

Reactions and Reviews

I've been skirting Buffy fic, reading here and there, knowing that it's a dangerous bog waiting to suck me in. Not a smelly, peaty bog, but a nice, sort of homey one---which makes it all the more dangerous. I haven't consciously looked for Faith-centered fic, just because I find some of the other characters more interesting. But it was Jintian and so I read; and now I'm finding all sorts of interesting things about Faith. This is meaty story with plot as well as a rich emotional landscape; the view from Faith's head seems to me dead on. The writing is lovely, and Faith's voice comes through with just the right mix of rage, flippancy, and longing. As in her other work, Jintian moves the story along with a very natural storytelling ability--something I've always admired about her writing.

Now I'm off to find more Faith fic. [1]
