The Wheel of Time

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Name: The Wheel of Time
Abbreviation(s): WoT
Creator: Robert Jordan, Brandon Sanderson
Date(s): 1990: The Eye of the World (1)
1990: The Great Hunt (2)
1991: The Dragon Reborn (3)
1992: The Shadow Rising (4)
1993: The Fires of Heaven (5)
1994: Lord of Chaos (6)
1996: A Crown of Swords (7)
1998: The Path of Daggers (8)
2000: Winter's Heart (9)
2003: Crossroads of Twilight (10)
2004: New Spring (Prequel)
2005: Knife of Dreams (11)
2009: The Gathering Storm (12)
2010: Towers of Midnight (13)
2013: A Memory of Light (14)
Medium: book series, TV adaptation
Country of Origin: United States
External Links: The Wheel of Time (Wikipedia)

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The Wheel of Time is a fantasy book series by Robert Jordan. The author died in 2007 and the series was completed by Brandon Sanderson.

An Amazon TV series adaptation premiered in 2021 to mixed fan reception.


Due to the shared author and genre, there is a significant overlap between the Cosmere and Wheel of Time fandoms.


Play-by-post sites

MUDs and MUSHes


The WoT fantasy universe is sometimes used for fusions with other universes, for example in the Merlin story One Touch of Your Hand to Mine‎.

Twitter of Time

Twitter of Time, (often written as ToT to save on characters, or #TwitterofTime) is the name for the community that sprung up on Twitter during the years The Wheel of Time show was in production, used as a way to find other fans, share information and discuss both the show and the books. Though fans also spent time on Wheel of Time related sites, and other social media, a lot of news originated from Twitter. Twitter of Time became active in 2018, and more so when castings of the show were announced starting in 2019. Activity decreased in 2024 after changes made to Twitter prompted a large number of the active community to move to BlueSkies, where they used #WotSkies instead.


In 2018, showrunner and writer of The Wheel of Time show on Amazon began to post on Twitter about the show. He included pictures of his old copies of The Wheel of Time, photographs from where he was writing the scripts, and even snippets of said scripts. As the show developed he also posted photographs from the writers room, answered fan questions, and much more. His first couple of posts were done on a Monday, but it was suggested that a Wednesday sounded much better, and the hashtag WotWednesday was born. The tradition of issuing news and promotional information on a Wednesday continued when the official show account (@TheWheelofTime on Twitter and Instagram) began marketing, including casting announcements and trailer releases.

He Who Tweets With The Dawn

Tweeter of Chaos

Tweeter of Chaos (a reference to Lord of Chaos, book 5) is the name the second handler of The Wheel of Time account became known by, when he took over in 2019. The change was noted on April 20th[1], and after that the fandom waited for more news. It came in a flurry of exitement as Tweeter of Chaos lived up to their name my posting an image of a season 2 script a little early, and then deleting it, though not after some fans had managed to take a screenshot[2]. The renewal of the series for season 2 was officialy revealed later that day. After that the fandom embraced the good humour and chaos of The Wheel of Time social media.

On 4th December 2024 is was noticed that the handle of the official account had changed back to He Who Tweets With The Dawn[3], confirmed by the account that day.

August Betrayal

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