The View from Yesterday

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Title: The View from Yesterday
Author(s): Addison Reed
Date(s): 1988
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Star Trek: TOS
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The View from Yesterday is a Spock/Kirk/OMC story by Addison Reed.

It was published in the print zine Shades of Grey #3.


"Captain John Christopher found many strange, unusual and wonderful things aboard the starship from his future, but none stranger or more confusing than discovering the unusually wonderful relationship between the starship's captain and first officer."

Reactions and Reviews


My problem with this Kirk/Spock/Captain Christopher story came at the end when Kirk promised Christopher that he would remember enough of what happened between them to help his brother deal with his homosexuality. Kirk knew he couldn't keep such a promise. Christopher couldn't be permitted to remember anything. Therefore Kirk had no right to say such a thing. [1]
