Addison Reed

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Name: Addison Reed
Type: Fan Writer
Fandoms: Star Trek
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Addison Reed is a fanfiction writer who is often published in Star Trek zines from the 1980s to the 2000s.

A 1991 Bio

From much longer comments by Reed in The LOC Connection #31:

Inevitably, I read mention of fanzines and the persistent rumor that in some circles, Kirk and Spock were lovers. It never shocked me, it just made the pieces fall neatly into place.

Beginning with my interest in Trek in the 60's, I'd wanted to produce that great unwritten tale of James Kirk's greatest love affair. Better people than me had tried, and, as far as I could tell from the novels and series, they, too, had failed. Nothing worked. Sounds melodramatic, but in a blinding flash I knew why no one had been able to capture the magic! Without having yet seen any K/S, I knew what the magic was. A blind man could see it with a cane!

But where to find it? Something drove me to my first con and dumped me in front of an orphan zine table. Imagine: never seen a fanzine, and here were piles of them. But what was what? Did I dare speak the words K/S?? No. Deep inside, I don't believe I actually thought I would ever find one of "those zines". And then my hands were on BROKEN IMAGES, my fingers flying through the pages, my eyes alternately looking over my shoulder and down at the text. I recall seeing the words, "....he had to get to Spock." That phrase could have meant anything, but I knew it was innocuous. The sentence flew off the page. This was it.

The rest is much like all your histories. The frantic scramble to buy every K/S zine you ever heard of. Oh, yes. Quite by accident I picked up a copy of Datazine (free) at the same con. Gold mine!

Thank goodness my husband... has a bank account separate from mine and doesn't open my mail. No, he doesn't realize that the Star Trek I read and write is not the stuff of Saturday morning cartoons. Nor do my co workers ... have any idea. Just the other day, one looked over something I'd written as a joke and commented, "You should write." Living in a rural area of what is often called the 'bible belt'. I find it imperative to keep it under wraps, but would have loved to tell her, "Hey, I do write!"


K/S gives me a chance to "belong", to be a part of an interesting group and to become acquainted through the printed word with others who share my interests. I guess the thing I like least about K/S is the fact that it is controversial, and a potential embarrassment to my family. My own acceptance of infinite diversity would be understood by probably less than ten percent of the people in this area [where I live].
