The Uses of Sorrow

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Title: The Uses of Sorrow
Author(s): moetushie
Date(s): 31 January 2013
Length: 1996 words
Fandom(s): Mary Renault
External Links: archived on MRF (members-locked)

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"The Uses of Sorrow" is a short story by moetushie based on Mary Renault's 1953 novel The Charioteer. It is set after the war, at a time when Laurie and Ralph have been lovers for several years.


Some time after Laurie has been killed in a car accident when Ralph was driving drunk, Ralph and Andrew meet at the grave. They then spend the night at the cottage, which Ralph has inherited.


Comments included the following:

  • "Lovely, and absolutely heartbreaking."—comment by grondfic
  • "I... would have left a coherent comment except I can't articulate right now. Utterly broken-hearted."—comment by toujours_nigel
  • "A painful story—the more so because of the plausibility of the initial scenario."—comment by greerwatson
  • "I am glad they find solace with one another - not sure this is true to Renault; but it is a nice thought and the story is very enjoyable to read. I do think you have kept Ralph very true to character."—comment by fawatson