The Unrecognised X-File

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Title: The Unrecognised X-File
Author(s): Sebastion
Genre(s): slash fanfiction
Fandom(s): The X-Files/Mary Poppins
External Links: wayback link to story

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The Unrecognised X-File is a X-Files/Mary Poppins crossover by Sebastion. The pairing is Mulder/Krycek.

Author's Comments

This story was written for the M/K Fight Club Location challenge. Photographs were submitted, one had to choose one or more and set the story in that place. So this story starts at Mulder's desk in the basement office, moves on to Minneapolis, Minnesota to a posh residential area by a lake and then to the gardens of Trinity College Oxford, in full bloom.

Reactions and Reviews

The Unrecognised X-file by Sebastian is, of all things, a Mary Poppins/X-Files crossover, and it works! We also have the pleasure of Mulder and Krycek, although I admit to find the sex scenes the least convincing aspect of this story, or perhaps it's the language and sentiment expressed in the scenes that I don't quite buy. Nevertheless I found it a very delightful and often funny read, mainly I think because the whole thing is written in a 'serious' and highly clever manner.[1]


  1. ^ alicambsrecs - X-Files recs (M/K), Archived version. See Alison's Jottings, reposted to Dreamwidth: 21 March 2010.