The Unravelled Ferret

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Title: The Unravelled Ferret
Editor(s): Brenda Daverin
Date(s): 1998 - 2000
Medium: digital, print
Fandom: multifandom
Language: English
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The Unravelled Ferret is Brenda Daverin's perzine.

Issue 1

Aug. '98

Introduction, Westercon 51, pre-Hugo grousings

Issue 2

Nov. '98

Ever After, CopperCon 18, motorcycle highs and lows

Issue 3

Jan. '99

Silicon 3.0, the end of "Babylon 5" as we know it

Issue 4

Mar. '99

Echoes of Honor, San Francisco in '02 becomes Bay Area in '02

Issue 5

June '99

Star Wars: The Phantom Menace, more fun with Worldcon bidding

Issue 6

May 2000

Playing catch-up with more movie reviews than you can shake a stick at

Issue 7

Aug. 2000

Pokemon 2000, But I'm A Cheerleader, and more net comics