The Ultimate Shore Leave

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Title: The Ultimate Shore Leave
Author(s): Gail Saville
Date(s): 1977
Genre(s): het
Fandom(s): Star Trek: TOS
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The Ultimate Shore Leave is very sexually explicit Star Trek: TOS story by Gail Saville.

In it, an original character daydreams the many ways she and Spock will have sex, including a scenario where he brutally rapes her and she loves it. Near the end of the story, the character actually ties up Spock and rapes him. She wishes she were sorry, but she's not, even though she has to transfer off the ship due to embarrassment. Spock does not turn her in because he is a "gentleman." The story itself is told in a "humorous" style.

Mary Ann Emerson created the illos for this story, from R & R #5

It was published in R & R #5 and reprinted in Accumulated Leave #1.

sample text

Reactions and Reviews

Crew-woman creates her own Spock to enjoy on the Shore Leave planet, but ends up with the real one just as she is moving on to a little bondage. Fun, if predictable. [1]

'The Ultimate Shoreleave' was my least favorite [in the zine]... [2]

My personal favorite -- is 'The Ultimate Shore Leave.' This first-hand account of what a Spock-loving female lieutenant conjures up to pass her time on the Shore Leave planet is delightfully personal as well as erotic, and the twist ending is the perfect resolution for the tale. [3]

The Enterprise crew is given leave on the Amusement Park Planet & Lt. Kathy Stolsky has been planning, plotting, & creating her fantasy for weeks. It's one of the best & funniest lay-Spock stories I've read in a long time. Kathy's creations seemed just like the real thing, until Between the stories are various pieces of poetry: the meaning of Pon Farr as told from a female Vulcan's point of view & various "lecherous" limericks.



  1. ^ from Karen Halliday's Zinedex
  2. ^ from Scuttlebutt #5
  3. ^ from Datazine #7
  4. ^ from Fleet #19 (1978)