The Two Trees

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Title: The Two Trees
Author(s): Morgan Dawn
Date(s): 1995
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): The Professionals
Relationship(s): Bodie/Doyle
External Links: online here and here

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The Two Trees is a Bodie/Doyle story by Morgan Dawn.

first page, from the print zine

The story was first published in Nudge Nudge Wink Wink #4.

Reactions and Reviews

An AU. Bodie and Ray are in prison for murder. Something happens to Doyle right before he is released, and the guilt and fear follow him since. I'm a happy-ending kind of reader, so it's weird how I love this story so much, but sometimes a break-up isn't final, and an end can sometimes be a beginning... [1]

Couldn't get into the first story ("The Two Trees"), got bored waiting for the Lads to get in the same scene together. [2]

... grim, but fits every criterion [of a fan's prison fic rec request]: AU-ish (King Billy is dead after Wild Justice), the lads are separately in prison, hurt/comfort (90% hurt, it must be said, though), and the psychological effects are definitely a major element. Even when Doyle is out, he's still in a prison of a sort. [3]

The Two Trees, by Morgan Dawn. I felt that both Morgan's stories were the weakest part of the zine overall. This one had a good angsty idea but was carried off in a largely situational manner, with not a lot of real character development and stuff. It felt more episodic. I can also say the same about the other story, Hide and Seek.

I know in real-world critiques it's not supposed to matter that the author is a new writer, but I think in fanfic that's a legitimate thing to take into account. I heard through the grapevine that these were Morgan's first stories, and that made me reconsider a little how I viewed them. There is some good stuff in both stories, and both start from great ideas. I hope that she will keep on writing and develop things like characterization, because I think she's off to a decent start and really has some enjoyable story ideas -- just needs she experience to carry them off. [4]


  1. ^ from rec50, posted February 28, 2007
  2. ^ In 1995, Alexfandra posted a brief review of the zine as part of her ZCon convention report sent to the Virgule mailing list. It is reposted here with her permission.
  3. ^ from a comment by moonlightmead at Pros Finder, posted July 2012
  4. ^ comments on Virgule-L, November 17, 1995, quoted anonymously