The Tirizan

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Title: The Tirizan
Author(s): JS Cavalcante
Date(s): 1993
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Star Trek: TOS
Relationship(s): Kirk/Spock
External Links: The Tirizan

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The Tirizan is a K/S story by JS Cavalcante.

It was published in the print zine First Time #36 and online.


"At a diplomatic reception, a Betazoid diplomat “feels” the unexpressed love between Kirk and Spock and decides to do something about it. Sequel: Tirizandi."

Reactions and Reviews

Unknown Date

A Betazoid matchmaker eyeing up Spock is an unwitting catalyst. I love Spock in this, the way his scientific curiosity and acceptance of IDIC overrule his Vulcan reserve. [1]


Reading this story was a real pleasure. Darien-Rai, first going to seduce Spock at a diplomatic reception, finally ends up as Tirizan (matchmaker). The young man tells us the events so vividly, that you feel you are with him in the middle of the story! Though I cant believe that our shy Spock is this open with a total stranger, I found this meeting fascinating! [2]


Well! Talk about preconceived notions! As I read this first-person amorous observation of Spock across a crowded room, I pictured the spectator as a pretty, round-faced young lady (Mary Sue Somebody). Imagine my incredulity when on the fourth page the narrator introduced himself to Spock.

Well structured, the story—Spock, too—a joy to follow. As if you were there in your banquet finery, eavesdropping on comments like the ones the watcher makes to himself as Kirk enters the room: “When this man crossed a room, he crossed it, and a Tiberian Firecat couldn’t have stopped him from reaching the other side.” Of course, as this observation was made, Kirk’s target was Spock, which always changes the odds!

The story teller is Betazoid and Tirizan turns out to mean Holy Matchmaker. The scene never leaves the banquet hall where it began. It didn’t have to...the fire was there as it always is. As the Betazoid declared, “They are, after all, Imzadi.”

I knew that. [3]


  1. ^ from Recs by Rhaegal
  2. ^ from The LOC Connection #58 (1993)
  3. ^ from The K/S Press #19