The Summons

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Title: The Summons
Author(s): Emily Adams
Date(s): 1991
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Star Trek: TOS
Relationship(s): Kirk/Spock
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The Summons is a Kirk/Spock story by Emily Adams.

art by Kay Wells for "The Summons"

It was published in the print zine First Time #30.


"On a diplomatic mission, Kirk suddenly feels drawn back to Earth, where he finds Spock entering pon farr."

Reactions and Reviews


This was well written and believable. The tenderness of the scene in Kirk's apartment stayed with me after I'd finished reading the zine. She got the characterizations right. [1]

This was heart-warming throughout, and though it would be impossible for the reader to not know now it was going to end, I enjoyed all the switching back-and-forth between the two while Kirk was searching for Spock. It had a strong, tangible feeling of urgency; yet, the urgency did not overpower the feeling of love and warmth throughout. This was one rare story where I did miss the sex scene. I was hoping that they would end up doing it right there in Kirk's apartment. [2]


I thought this story did an excellent job of asking fresh and original the old, much-used plot device of a K/S relationship forced to fruition by pon farr. This was one story where the absence of any sex scene worked to enhance the originality. The dialogue was very natural, and I felt the characterization was very much on target. Hy two favorite parts were the game with the popcorn (I could just see them sitting there in front of the fire, playing it; made feel so warm and cozy) and the ending. Kirk's last line has to be one of the best I've seen -- truly perfect! [3]

Writing flawless, interesting images, perfect dialogue.

Some very sweet moments. I absolutely love the popcorn scene and their playfulness. Would have liked a little more — just a few more moments once that current was switched on. I appreciate stories going only so far as acknowledging love, yet I'm not left feeling deprived of a sex scene. [4]
