The Summons

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K/S Fanfiction
Title: The Summons
Author(s): Emily Adams
Date(s): 1991
Genre: slash
Fandom: Star Trek: The Original Series
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The Summons is a Kirk/Spock story by Emily Adams.

art by Kay Wells for "The Summons"

It was published in the print zine First Time #30.


"On a diplomatic mission, Kirk suddenly feels drawn back to Earth, where he finds Spock entering pon farr."

Reactions and Reviews

This was heart-warming throughout, and though it would be impossible for the reader to not know now it was going to end, I enjoyed all the switching back-and-forth between the two while Kirk was searching for Spock. It had a strong, tangible feeling of urgency; yet, the urgency did not overpower the feeling of love and warmth throughout. This was one rare story where I did miss the sex scene. I was hoping that they would end up doing it right there in Kirk's apartment. [1]

This was well written and believable. The tenderness of the scene in Kirk's apartment stayed with me after I'd finished reading the zine. She got the characterizations right. [2]
