The Starwitch

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Title: The Starwitch
Publisher: see article
Editor: Winston A. Howlett
Author(s): Winston A. Howlett
Cover Artist(s): Winston A. Howlett
Illustrator(s): Sharon Elzay, John Hazard, Doug Herring, Mei-Moi Lee, Arthur Terry, V.M. Wyman, and Winston A. Howlett
Date(s): May 1988
Series?: yes
Medium: print
Genre: gen
Fandom: Star Trek: TOS
Language: English
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The Starwitch is a 72-page Star Trek: TOS novel.

It is a Probe Special Issue. It, however, was self-published by him, not under the name Mpingo Press.

front cover, Winston A. Howlett
flyer, art by Winston A. Howlett

From an ad in Trust, Like the Soul:

Nyota Uhura is now captain of the Starfleet Dreadnought Dominion. But the scandal surrounding her promotion affects many aspects of her command -- a weakness that the Klingon Emperor is more than willing to exploit. The third installment in the Swahili Series contains artwork by John Hazard, Doug Herring, V.M. Wyman, Mei-Moi Lee.

The Swahili Series

There are three Probe Special Issues:


Sample Interior