The Stars Threw Down Their Spears

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Title: The Stars Threw Down Their Spears
Author(s): dirtybinary
Date(s): 3 May 2014
Length: 2049 words
Genre(s): AU
Fandom(s): Mary Renault
External Links: in AO3

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"The Stars Threw Down Their Spears" is a short story by dirtybinary based on Mary Renault's 1953 novel The Charioteer. It is an AU taking place shortly after the end of the book, predicated on Laurie not going to see Ralph after they have their row.


Laurie attends Ralph's funeral, and then, after being discharged from hospital, goes up to London to see Andrew.


"The Stars Threw Down Their Spears" was written as a gift for zeen in the 2014 Renault Exchange. The title and epigraphs are from Emily Dickinson's "My Triumph lasted till the Drums", Walter de la Mare's "Napoleon", and William Blake's "The Tyger".


Comments on the story include the following:

  • "I came for the Laurie/Andrew and stayed for Bunny. What absolutely perfect irony that it's Bunny who arrives five minutes too late, and that it's Bunny who winds up pronouncing on Ralph's self-destructive taste in men. Irony worthy of Renault in fact."—comment by Naraht
  • "Oh, this is so perfect, from the hideously sad beginning to the tentative hopefulness at the end. I loved that Bunny showed up! And I've often pondered Ralph's self-destructive taste in men myself (Hazell and Bunny are surely show a pattern of ...something), so of course I was delighted to see that touched. And Sandy! Oh Sandy, he does try. I love that Laurie resents, but cannot protest to, being put in the same class as Bunny. It's perfect."—comment by zeen
  • "Andrew seems like a decent person here. But I still don't see what Laurie sees in him. What is charming and adorable in young Mervyn is not cute to me in Andrew. I am a cynical old goat I think."—comment by Oshun
    • "He's a blonde hottie!"—from the reply by zeen