The Sailormoon Millennia Trilogy

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Title: The Sailormoon Millennia Trilogy
Author(s): Janelle J. (Janelle M. Wavell-Jiminez)/MiakiShi/Miaki/miaki-pie/TheSilverShining/Stellari
Date(s): December 1995 - 2009 (officially abandoned)
Fandom(s): Sailor Moon
External Links:
archived forum
earlier website
mailing list
TV Tropes

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The Sailormoon Millennia Trilogy was a popular Sailor Moon fanfiction trilogy consisting of Sailormoon Zodiac, Sailormoon Neo, and Sailormoon Genesis. Early drafts were published to in late 1995.

The author states that the work inspired over a thousand recursive fan creations, many of which are available on the official website, which is itself paid for through fan donations. There are dozens of fanwritten sequels, shrines to the characters, RPGs, a radioplay, and much more. The official fan forum had 499 members in 2006. The mailing list had 216 members in 2003.

A survey held from 2001 to 2004 asked for, among other things, fan demographics. They found that 88% of respondents were female and 66% were 13–17.[1]

Reactions and Reviews

A full page on the earlier site of reviews can be found here.

