The Night Before

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Title: The Night Before
Author(s): Kate Daniels
Date(s): 1984
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Star Trek: TOS
Relationship(s): Kirk/Spock
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The Night Before is a Kirk/Spock story by Kate Daniels.

It was published in the print zine Locusts.. and wild honey.



"After Spockʼs return from Gol, he and Kirk must come to an understanding if they are to reunite as lovers."

Reactions and Reviews

"The Night Before" by Kate Daniels. Set a few days after the V'ger problem has been dealt with, Kirk & Spock attempt to resolve the difficulties they'd encountered before Spock went to Gol. Maybe these were described in an earlier story by this author, but several times, Kirk refers to situations I could only guess at. Frustrating, especially when it was otherwise so good. [1]
