The Meeting

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Title: The Meeting
Author(s): Robin Hood
Date(s): 1986
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Star Trek: TOS
Relationship(s): Kirk/Spock
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The Meeting is a Kirk/Spock story by Robin Hood.

It was published in the print zine Naked Times #10.


"A/U: After a century of animosity, Earth and Vulcan send their premiere ambassadors to meet and negotiate a treaty, but Ambassadors Kirk and Spock find that their attraction to each other is overriding all other concerns."

Reactions and Reviews


This a/u premise that Kirk and Spock are meeting for the first time as diplomats attempting to resolve a century of hostility between Terra and Vulcan is an interesting one, but it isn't thought through enough. For one thing, these talks wouldn't be taking place on Earth. A century of hostility means that Earth's and Vulcan's representatives would meet on a mutually agreed upon neutral planet. Thus Spock's collapse due to breathing San Francisco's "pea soup" would never have taken place. Even if Vulcan felt friendly enough to send a representative to Earth, Spock shouldn't have collapsed because a competent diplomat would be prepared for the atmospheric conditions. If Spock is the widely experienced Ambassador he is supposed to be, this wouldn't be the first time he'd come across heavy fog and he would have found a way to cope with it.

I am also dubious about the generally unprofessional behavior both Kirk and Spock display. They decide that developing K/S is more important that the Earth-Vulcan treaty, and they never get around to diplomatic business during the story. I can't imagine genuine diplomats dismissing the fate of two worlds so casually. Humans and Vulcans have been killing each other over the past century. Surely they would have enough respect for life to know that the matter was urgent. I might conceivably accept Kirk letting his gonads take control, but never Spock. Any Spock who doesn't have a strong sense of duty is too far out of character to be considered Spock. In any case, both Earth and Vulcan should recall and replace these diplomats for not doing their job. At the end of the story Kirk said he was going to spend the rest of his life explaining K/S. He'd better explain it to the Terran authorities first. I am not objecting to the idea of diplomats having sex. Diplomats do have personal lives, but generally not when they're supposed to be negotiating.[1]
