The Match (Star Trek TOS story)

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K/S Fanfiction
Title: The Match
Author(s): Penny Wise
Date(s): 1992
Genre: slash
Fandom: Star Trek: The Original Series
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The Match is a K/S story by Penny Wise.

It was published in the print zine First Time #34.


"Kirk and Spock are forced to participate in a ship-wide test that uses a computer program to match compatibilty in order to find ones perfect mate."

Reactions and Reviews

Computer match-ups comes to the Enterprise and all crew members are expected to participate. Kirk fills out his questionnaire, as does Spock. They long for each other, but think to be matched up with someone else. Guess what? Some good writing, but for the most part pretty dull as the subject of computer dating supports the entire story. Then at the end, when Kirk and Spock get together, it's quite an anatomy lesson! I never knew there were so many scientific names for parts of the body. Also, the sexual contact is sort of thrown in at the end of the story without enough build-up. The writing is a little stilted, but the expressions of emotion are well-done. [1]
