The Masquerade

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For articles with similar titles, see Masquerade.
Name: The Masquerade
Creator: Seth Dickinson
Date(s): 2015 (The Traitor Baru Cormorant), 2018 (The Monster Baru Cormorant), 2020 (The Tyrant Baru Cormorant)
Medium: Print
Country of Origin:
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The Masquerade is a series of novels by Seth Dickinson.


  1. The Traitor Baru Cormorant (2015)
  2. The Monster Baru Cormorant (2018)
  3. The Tyrant Baru Cormorant (2020)
  4. (TBA)

Homestuck Influence

On multiple occasions, Seth Dickinson has pointed to Watch the Roots, a Feferi Peixes-focused work of Homestuck fanfiction, as a major inspiration for his writing style.[1][2][3]

“baru cormorant author cites a homestuck fanfiction as having inspired their writing style” OK. (unknown tally somewhere in the universe ticks up by 1)[4]


Interactions with The Locked Tomb Fandom

Many fans of The Masquerade series are also fans of The Locked Tomb series and will recommend it to Locked Tomb fans impatient for further installments.[5] Other Masquerade fans, while they might enjoy The Locked Tomb, feel that the series are far too tonally different for them to be usefully compared.

why do lesbians recommend baru cormorant if youve read tlt. gideon the ninth is like a rollercoaster that killed the person in front of you baru is like being in traffic and then a train hits you from the side[6]

memory called empire and baru cormorant on this is like hydrogen bomb vs coughing baby (tlt)[7]

Example Fanworks


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