The Innocent

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K/S Fanfiction
Title: The Innocent
Author(s): Kay Wells
Date(s): 1991
Genre: slash
Fandom: Star Trek: The Original Series
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The Innocent is a K/S story by Kay Wells.

It was published in the print zine Naked Times #26.


"A/U: McCoy asks Spock to do something about their new, straight-laced captain, so Spock sets about gaining Kirkʼs trust and friendship."

Reactions and Reviews

I'm sorry, but I kept thinking the author had done inter-Trek crossover and given us a young Picard to take command of the Enterprise instead of Kirk. The Kirk in the opening of this story was all the things that annoy me most about Picard — rigid, overly formal and priggish. In short he's a martinet. This is the very antithesis of Kirk. Even Mirror Kirk has more in common with the Kirk we know. Aside from intensely disliking this Kirk, I don't think the author was really seeing these characters in their Starfleet context, or she would never say that Spock rarely had to use full shields. Is she saying that Spock rarely had to deal with hostile telepaths or some other dangerous contingency where he needed full shields? It doesn't seem likely that an exploration vessel would rarely run into such situations. I also didn't care for the hyperbole "even the fires of pon- farr paled in comparison". I've seen similar statements before in K/S, and it occurs to me if sex outside of pon- farr can be that intense, then pon-farr loses its specialness. I think the author intended to show the unique passion of a first time, but I wish she and others wouldn't do this at the expense of pon-farr. [1]

Delightful A/U story. I wish it could‘ve been longer. I would‘ve loved to learn more about this Kirk and Spock and experience the development of their budding relationship. Which is why I feel as if the beach scene comes too soon. Spock seduces Kirk and that‘s the end. I want more! [2]


  1. ^ from The LOC Connection #32
  2. ^ from The K/S Press #15