The Hooded Man (Robin of Sherwood anthology by Hennig and Knights)

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Title: The Hooded Man
Publisher: Greenwode Productions
Date(s): November 1987, reprinted in June 1988
Medium: print
Fandom: Robin of Sherwood
Language: English
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The Hooded Man (on the cover: "A Tale of Robin i' th' Hood") is a 244-page gen Robin of Sherwood anthology of fiction published in the US.

The Hooded Man and The Hooded Man #2 were published in 1988 under one cover. It is heavily illustrated with black and white artwork, 5 pages of titles, editorial, and poetry quotations of Gary Moore.

It contains a Robin of Sherwood novel (102 pages) by Jeanine Hennig and a script-version (122 pages) by Linda Knights and Jeanine Hennig. This story is a continuation of the Robin of Sherwood story — a fan written 4th season which also brings back Michael Praed's Robin. Some of it also appears in Airwaves Robin of Sherwood Special.

Some Ads

In an ad in Homosapien 3, the zine was listed as the following: "The Hooded Man: A Robin of Sherwood" zine, 2 issues currently available featuring the 'Erenelle' series of stories by Denyse Bridger, issue 3 due out early 1991, further issues planned."

In an ad in Quarterstaff #6: "The Hooded Man- RoS novella by Jeanine Hennig. Who bears the mantle of the Sacred King? What would bring Marion from her chosen sanctuary of Halsted Priory. What man would make Guy of Gisburne fall from his horse? Against whom would the Sheriff study black magic? Who would cheat the greatest enemy? Whose hands will Albion return to - and turn against? What presence could tear Robin Hood's outlaw band apart - for good? And who holds the final power of Herne's Silver Arrow? Includes a screenplay by Linda Knights and Jeanine Hennig. Art by Jenni. 250 pages."
