The Holly Golightly Club

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Title: The Holly Golightly Club
Author(s): fluffontop
Date(s): May 8, 2007 - Feb 19, 2008
Genre(s): High School AU
Fandom(s): My Chemical Romance, Fall Out Boy
External Links: Part 1

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The Holly Golightly Club is a MCR/FOB High School AU fic by fluffontop with Petekey and Frerard.

Reactions and Reviews

This was awesome! I love the MV for “I’m Not OK”, so this is total win, LOL. (Not my OTPs, but I’m not complaining because still awesome!) I love how the little moments from the video were in the fic and how it worked with everyone’s personalities. ♥ The Pete/Mikey was so cute (and heartbreaking!) and the Gerard/Frank was wonderful and also BOB! XD Seriously, I love high school AUs liek whoa, but most of the time, it’s hard to find decent ones, but this one is definitely awesome. =)


OK, so I left you like a million (really late) flaily comments on The Holly Golightly Club, because I was in love with it, and when I saw this I flailed again and oh god it's wondrous and I kinda inwardly squeed at all the Mikey/Pete (which I think may actually be my favourite) and I wanted to smack Frank a bit for being so paranoid (but then hug him afterwards obv) and basically if you ever decided to expand even more on this stuff I would be totally on board with that.


The most epic AU ever, based off of the I'm Not Okay video. Amazing. The one fic MCR bandom fans must read.


jesus, there are not even words to describe how much i love this. you've probably spoiled me for just about every other fic in bandom (with the possible exception of wax_jism's) and you made me ADORE pete/mikey, which i would have thought possible but improbable, and you made me grin like a loon and generally just feel like i never wanted this story to end. and when it ended, i didn't even feel that bad. that's how awesome this was. i can only hope you've written more.


i have read through this whole thing for like the past two hours and you know, i was smiling the whole damn time. so well written and everyone was so perfect and it all flowed amazingly and just. i want to hug this whole 'verse. i needed a break from panic, you have no idea. so thanks :)


Oh god, this entire 'verse is still the best thing out there, and they just wring my heart, with their complete ineptness and desperation and adorableness all at the same time. ♥


i haven't read mcr fic in ages, and now i'm very, very sad about that because i've forgotten how utterly awesome it can be. i'm extremely glad i read this, because you've renewed my faith in it. :D


Pretty much the best INOK!AU in the fandom. She finally finished this a few months ago, and I'm not sure how I forgot to rec it. It's probably technically a crossover rec, because you get Pete's POV a lot, but it's rooted so firmly in the five members of MCR that I feel comfortable reccing it in this batch.



  1. ^ [MCR/FOB – Gerard/Frank, Pete/Mikey] fluffontop – The Holly Golightly Club on Simple Pleasures (2010)
  2. ^ Comment on Mood Swings and Happy Dazes (2008)
  3. ^ More Recs in frerard_fic_rec (2008)
  4. ^ Comment on Mood Swings and Happy Dazes (2008)
  5. ^ Comment on Mood Swings and Happy Dazes (2008)
  6. ^ Comment on Mood Swings and Happy Dazes (2008)
  7. ^ Comment on Part 1 (2007)
  8. ^ Bandslash: My Chemical Romance RPS Recs in polyfandomrecs (2008)