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The Heart of Texas Beauty and the Beast Network Winterfest

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Name: The Heart of Texas Beauty and the Beast Network Winterfest
Dates: 1992
Location: Austin, Texas
Type: Meetup
Organization: members of the fan club, The Heart of Texas Beauty and the Beast Network
Founding Date:
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The Heart of Texas Beauty and the Beast Network Winterfest was a Winterfest gathering sponsored by The Heart of Texas Beauty and the Beast Network.

It took place January 1, 1992 in Austin, Texas at the Colorado Street Cafe. There are several photos of this event printed in Dancing Lights v.3 n.1.

In some ways, this event was a practice run for the club; eighteen months later, they sponsored Great Expectations.

Some of the comments by the fan below reference MasqueCon, an elaborate and bit of a failure of a convention that had taken place a few months earlier.

This Winterfest gathering was for fellowship and discussion, but it was also to buy and sell things. One of the ways it distanced itself from a formal convention was a more organic presentation. "There were also designated tables/displays where handcrafted items, fanzines, jewelry, t-shirts, prints, greeting cards, Disney Beauty and the Beast items, etc. were offered for sale. However, you did not feel like you were in a convention Dealers' Room; with the earthy glow of the Cafe and the flickering candles, you really got the feeling of being in a small market like the Tunnels might have had."

Another Winterfest was Chesapeake Helpers' Society for Beauty and the Beast Winterfest.

Fan Comments

The Heart of Texas Beauty and the Beast Network held its first annual Texas Winterfest celebration on January 1 in Austin at the Colorado Street Cafe. If you haven't met Teri Johnson, Renee Gray, Kristi and Leslie Newcomb, Tina Wolfe, Norma Darling, and the rest of the Network team, the term "dynamo" comes to mind to describe the energy they generate! Since the club's formation last year, Network members have busied themselves with civic project after civic project, constantly spreading the word about Beauty and the Beast. So, it seemed only natural that they would undertake larger projects before too long for participants outside the club. Choosing a smaller-scale event, with a $15 registration fee, as their first endeavor proved to be a winner, drawing 4 persons from all across the State and from as far away as Tennessee!

There were no elaborate promises up front [1], so, therefore, no dashed expectations and/or disappointments--just an aura of mystery and anticipation regarding what was going to take place during the evening's festivities. But one could have guessed by the gold hand- embossed/printed reservation confirmation cards (mailed prior to the event) that this group had given their "all" to the project. The entire Cafe had been reserved for Winterfest--it was a quaint, cozy location that provided a very inviting environment. Although the rains had become torrential by 7:00 p.m., no one's spirits were dampened. As people entered the foyer and shook themselves off, they were first greeted by the Cafe's own very special warmth and charm (along with easeled, framed posters of Vincent), which was soon followed by the presentation of a hand-dipped porcelain, short-stemmed white rose (trimmed in mauve or blue ribbon) to the women and a white ribbon rose boutonniere to the men. Everyone could then enjoy the "meet and greet," where you could mingle and get to know each other, enjoy the decorations, and browse among the "show and sell" tables and displays.

As at any event, it was fun meeting people from all walks of life and different parts of the country who share a common bond, as well as seeing old friends again. And the decorations certainly added to the atmosphere -- club members had brought framed prints and drawings of B&B characters, which were hung on the walls and displayed on the black and gold-draped tables; and there were assorted items (chests, candleholders, lamps, books, etc.) that lent a Gothic mood to the surroundings, as well as red and white roses and handcrafted owl masks trimming displays. tables, and windows.

On the right side of the Cafe, tables had been arranged for people to display special mementos of B&B fandom (photographs, Christmas cards, drawings, articles, autographs) and unique B&B items that had been previously purchased at stores, conventions, etc. There were also designated tables/displays where handcrafted items, fanzines, jewelry, t-shirts, prints, greeting cards, Disney Beauty and the Beast items, etc. were offered for sale. However, you did not feel like you were in a convention Dealers' Room; with the earthy glow of the Cafe and the flickering candles, you really got the feeling of being in a small market like the Tunnels might have had.

Walking among the guests was "Vincent," a true testament of the camaraderie of this Club. Members had worked long and hard making a costume (both handsewn and handpainted) to create the perfect illusion. When, at the last minute on Saturday, the scheduled "Vincent" was taken ill [another fan's son] jumped right in to fill the role. Everyone was told what had happened and everyone praised the new "Vincent" all the more for his willingness to help (after all, isn't that what the spirit of B&B is all about?!).

After giving everyone time to arrive, seating to the left of the Cafe was indicated. There were small table groupings with Disney B&B valentine placecards showing where to sit. Each place at the table had a hand-dipped Winterfest candle ready for the opening ceremony. Teri and Renee welcomed everyone and expressed thanks for attending and then the Winterfest ceremony began with "Father" and "Vincent's" readings and the lighting of the candles. (The ceremony was conducted by Charles Smith, Brian Johnson, and Tina Wolfe.)

After the ceremony, everyone filed through the buffet line to receive the largest helpings of food that I have seen at an event like this since TunnelCon I in Las Vegas summer before last! There were salads, two entrees of beef over rice and sesame chicken, several vegetables, and mile-high rolls, to be followed by assorted "goodies" spread across a dessert table! It was a true Winterfest meal, certainly enjoyed by all!

Throughout dinner, a special guest, Eva Pressier, created the illusion of a lovely fairy, dressed from head to foot in a flowing winged gown, as she visited the tables sprinkling fairy dust, doing magic tricks (complete with a live dove), and reading poetry. In addition, guests were treated to an assortment of music videos (some new, some just very well-loved) that brought laughter and wistful tears. After everyone had just about finished eating, Teri made some announcements and then introduced the evening's entertainment.

To the left of the seating area was a raised level where the Cafe's bar was, and it lent itself beautifully to what was to follow. First was a guitar trio playing and singing several songs from the 1960's that could have been written for Vincent and Catherine, such as the Beatles' "In My Life" (I'm proud to say my husband, Buddy, was a member of the trio as was Network member Les Newcomb, and Gary Brackin.). They were accompanied by Eva on the flute, which gave the music a true Renaissance flair. Over their heads stood the lovely airbrushed Club logo banner and everyone's children were clustered around their feet. After they performed several numbers, visiting guest, Linda Mooney (from Tennessee) sang "The First Time I Loved Forever" accompanied by guitar and flute -- the perfect completion to the mood already set.

After a brief closing, Renee thanked the Club for al of their help in putting on Winterfest and Teri thanked everyone again for coming and then invited al guests out to her home for coffee and more time to visit.

Just like in "days of old," everyone pitched in to help take down decorations and load up props and then almost everyone retreated to Teri's home. The next couple of hours were most enjoyable discussing the latest gossip, sharing ideas, and getting to know new friends. It couldn't have been a nicer, more congenial end to a very warm, loving Winterfest celebration.

Even though this event was small, I applaud the Heart of Texas Beauty and the Beast Network for a job well done. If this was any indication of things to come and they ever do decide to provide fandom with a full-scale convention, I know I'll be there! [2]


  1. ^ This is a reference to MasqueCon.
  2. ^ from Dancing Lights v.3 n.1 (1992)