Guiding Light

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Name: Guiding Light (previously The Guiding Light)
Abbreviation(s): GL
Creator: Irna Phillips
Date(s): 30 June 1952 – 18 September 2009
Medium: soap opera
Country of Origin: USA
External Links: Guiding Light at Wikipedia
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Guiding Light is an American soap opera that ran on CBS for 57 years from June 1952 until September 2009. It began as a radio show on NBC Radio on January 25, 1937, making the total runtime of the show 72 years.



The fandom's most popular pairing is the canon femslash pairing Olivia/Natalia a.k.a. Otalia.

I Met You On LJ's This Week in Fandom History featured the radio premiere of GL as the fandom history moment for the third week of January, 2021.


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