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Ray Is Not Actually Graphing the History of His Relationship With Fraser...

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Title: Ray Is Not Actually Graphing the History of His Relationship With Fraser
Author(s): sprat
Date(s): 2005
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Due South
Relationship(s): Fraser/Kowalski
External Links: online here
online at AO3 (images broken)
Wayback link (with images)

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Ray Is Not Actually Graphing the History of His Relationship With Fraser... is a Fraser/RayK story by sprat.

sample text

Its full title is: "Ray Is Not Actually Graphing The History Of His Relationship With Fraser--That Would Be Pathetic, And Ray Is Not Pathetic--But If He Was Graphing It, Even Just In His Own Stressed-Out, Messed-Up Brain, It Might Look Something Like This."

It is also known as "The Graph Story."

Reactions and Reviews

This fic was written about a month ago, and it makes me so happy. I have a soft spot for stories from RayK's point of view, because he has such an interesting and unique voice. That causes me some trouble though, because due to the uniqueness of his voice, if it's done wrong, it's really obvious and really painful. This fic is an example of Ray done right. In it, Ray charts the evolution of his relationship with Fraser, using a line graph as a visual for the audience (yes, there's an actual line graph. Yes, it works perfectly). There's awkwardness and miscommunication, and while Ray gets understandably frustrated with the whole thing, his affection for Fraser shines through. Just look down at the whole title of this fic. If that isn't RayK, then I don't know what is.

And then, a second later, Fraser had his mouth pressed against Ray's.

Only Ray's last mouthful of beer was still only half-way swallowed. And Fraser's hands were a little shaky, and his aim was a little off, so basically: disaster. There was choking and then eye-poking and a teeth-lip collision, and that is just about all you need to know about that. Ray had to yank his head out of Fraser's grip so he could keep from spitting beer into Fraser's mouth, and then of course Fraser started in with the oh god, Ray, I'm so sorry, I don't know what came over me--I'll file my transfer papers with the head office tomorrow.

So go read. It's funny, sexy and realistic. [1]

This is one for the "Brilliant, Quirky Due South Fics" file -- and it's in a fandom full of them, compared to other fandoms, possibly because the show itself was often quite off-kilter. This story in particular warmed the cockles of my heart (heh, she said "COCK-les"!!) and made me love Sprat even more than I did already, which was by then a considerable amount. [2]

I really don't know what I don't love about this story. Let's just start with the title. Best title EVER. And the actual graphs...not to mention the angst and the steamy hotness. I like this fic because there's not a lot of angsty buildup to the start of the relationship, but a lot of post-getting together angst. Ray and Fraser get together, then break up, then get back together (in a really hot way) all over again. I think I've read this at least five times, and I'm not stopping any time soon. [3]

Funny and awesome and very them.[4]


  1. ^ iamtheenemy. Ray Is Not Actually Graphing...by sprat (NC-17), Archived version, posted in crack_van, 2005-12-05.
  2. ^ comment by shayheyred at the 2005 rec at Crack Van
  3. ^ 2006 rec at Rec50: Ray is Not Actually Graphing..., Verse Chorus Verse, Archived version by justbreathe80, 03 February 2006.
  4. ^ "Due South: Fraser/Ray K Fic Recs". Archived from the original on 2023-08-28.