The Golden Years

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You may be looking for the X-Files fic called The Golden Year.

Title: The Golden Years
Author(s): Maggie Hall
Date(s): 1992
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Wiseguy
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The Golden Years is a Frank/Vinnie Wiseguy story by Maggie Hall.

It was published in the first issue of McPikus Interruptus.

Reactions and Reviews


This is one of my all-time favorite stories. No explicit sex, which actually helps, since I think any full sex scene would have distracted things from the focus of the story, which is actually more about Frank and Drake. Favorite scene: When Drake walks into the bedroom at the end of the story. [1]


Equally, Wiseguy doesn't exactly spring to mind as a swooning into each others' arms type of Universe, and most of the writers (thank you, thank you, [C]!) don't write wimps—good example is Golden Years (right title?) which could so easily have been a soppy domestic swamp (just try imagining the same story in either S/H or UNCLE), but is actually full of wonderfully masculine and butch characterisation without losing one single milligramme of sensitivity. And could it also be that these are both still relatively small fandoms, and the main writers tend to be the types to go back to the episodes again and again and again, which makes it really difficult to demean and diminish the characters. [2]


  1. ^ In 1996, Michelle Christian posted this review to the Virgule-L mailing list. It is reposted here with permission.
  2. ^ comments in Strange Bedfellows #2 (August 1993)