The Gift (Star Trek: TOS story by Chris Hoch)

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See also The Gift.

Title: The Gift
Author(s): Chris Hoch
Date(s): 1995
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Star Trek: TOS
Relationship(s): Kirk/Spock
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The Gift is a Kirk/Spock story by Chris Hoch.

It was published in Charisma #19.


"A/U: Spock is kidnapped while buying Kirk a 1st anniversary gift."

Reactions and Reviews


Excellent start as Spock, one courageous Vulcan, braves the mall crowd to shop for Kirk's gift. There were some neat touches like when Spock and the store owner bargain; "The store owner, being a good business man and alert to how badly an item was coveted, asked an outrageous price. Spock being Vulcan, simply looked at the small dark man."

And another neat moment when Spock is kidnapped by some Orions: "And with that he placed a small capsule under Spock's nose. Spock just had time to think he knew what this chemical substance was when he slid down the wall unconscious."

But, there's a small thing, that would remain small if I haven't been seeing it so much. When anyone is having an important conversation and one or both becomes very thoughtful and introspective, they pause for a moment. Much more than a moment.

Here, it's "several very long minutes went by before he answered." Can you imagine what that would realty be like when talking to someone? Try to imagine waiting for several minutes before the other person says something.

There's an interesting idea in this story. Spock has a younger brother, Chai, (although I don't 'get' the name) who is an ensign on the Enterprise. Stretching it a bit, but nice.

I liked that there was some consideration and thought to the act of killing someone, albeit a horrible bad guy.

Throughout this story were lots of nice, loving feelings.[1]
