The Fallen Angel Saga

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Title: The Fallen Angel Saga
Author(s): Shelly and Bet Stepenaski
Date(s): 1999-2003
Length: 5 stories
Genre(s): drama
Fandom(s): Hanson
External Links: Fallen Angel Saga and Masterpiece of Hanson

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The Fallen Angel Saga is an series of Hanson fanfics written by Shelly and Bet Stepenaski. Originally hosted on their site, with at least six stories planned, the series eventually moved to Masterpiece of Hanson.

The series portrays Hanson and a group of original characters as angels embodying different personality traits. While there is romance in the story, the religious aspects are always at the forefront, as noted by the authors here:

Note to reader: This story is written based on the Roman Catholic beliefs. We're terribly sorry to those who may be offended to this, for example, in Fallen Angel: Ressurection. It's not intended.The symbols of the Wiccan religon are viewed upon by the Catholic church as signs of Satan. We are not against any other religions as individuals. So please, as you read this, do keep that in mind. Thanks.

Another unique aspect of the series was that each chapter featured illustrations by Bet Stepenaski.


The Fallen Angel Saga was nominated for awards in the Dreamer Awards and Hanspirational Fan Fiction Awards.