The Dream Lord becomes the Valeyard

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Fan Theory
Fan Theory: The Dream Lord becomes the Valeyard
Fandom(s): Doctor Who
Dates: 2010
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The Dream Lord becomes the Valeyard is a fan theory in Doctor Who fandom that posits that the Dream Lord is "an early manifestation of what will one day become the Valeyard"[1]. The Dream Lord is a one-time antagonist who appears in the episode "Amy's Choice". After The Doctor is exposed to psychic pollen the Dream Lord appears to torment the Doctor and Amy and Rory. He manifests in dreams and represents the Doctor's "dark side". It seems not long after the episode aired fans started drawing connections between the Dream Lord and the Valeyard and how one might lead to the other.

Twitter user DimensionsInJen points out their similarities:

The Dream Lord becoming the Valeyard to me seems intentional.

- Both are amalgamations of the dark in the Doctor.
- Both happen during the final incarnation of cycle 1.
- Both can teleport around at will in dreamscapes.

- Both end the story by their face smiling as they live on.[2]

Whether this theory has any merit is unclear, because the Dream Lord has not returned to the series and the Valeyard has not been seen since classic who.

Further Reading


  1. ^ "Every Version of the Doctor - 20". Archived from the original on 2024-08-15.
  2. ^ "Jan 1, 2024 Tweet by DimensionsInJen". Archived from the original on 2024-08-15.