The Dragon's Gate

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Personal Fanfiction Website
Website: The Dragon's Gate: Harry Potter SlashFics
Author: Sadie DragonFire
Dates: 28 January 2001 - ?
Fandom: Harry Potter, Gundam Wing, Ranma 1/2, Yu Yu Hakusho, Digimon, Boy Meets Boy, other
URL: (main) (Harry Potter)
main page
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The Dragon's Gate was a personal slash fanfiction site.

Fandoms included Gundam Wing (7 fics), Ranma 1/2 (11 fics), Yuu Yuu Hakusho (9 fics), Harry Potter (6 fics), Digimon (4 fics), Parody/Author (1 fic) and Boy Meets Boy. There were also links to other fanfiction sites and some rants, one about "Things that piss me off in fan fiction"[1].

Harry Potter

The Dragon's Gate: Harry Potter SlashFics page was a member of The Harry Potter Slash Web Ring where it was listed with the description: "A (currently) very small archive for my Harry Potter slash fanfics."[2] Hosted stories also included fic by Slashyme and Bec.

Harry Potter page
Greetings! I'm assuming you have at least some knowledge of the Harry Potter books. Honestly, I would be surprised if you didn't. On the off chance you don't, Harry Potter is about a boy named Harry Potter (surprise!) who one day discovers that he is a wizard and is taken to the Hogwarts school of Wizardry and Witchcraft to learn about his powers. That's the plot in a nut shell. Want more details, read the books. (It's worth it, I assure you.)

Now on the slash part...I don't know what got me hooked on the idea of Harry Potter slash. There really isn't much suggestion of it in the books and frankly, the only pairing I really see is Crabbe and Goyle (my sister agrees with me on this one--she freaked at the other pairings I mentioned). Either way, I like it. And when I like something I write about it. Enjoy!

Sadie's Notes: Any fics on this page with a NC17, LEMON, or LIME rating take place after the fourth book, putting the charactors at 14 years old or higher. No kiddy porn, thank you.

Site description from Everything Wrong: "Has fiction from several different fandoms. A few slashy Harry Potter excellent Draco/Harry series...ohhh, I've read it at least three times...go check it out!"[3]

Author: Sadie DragonFire

Title: Protective Bonds
Keywords: SLASH, Humor, Angst (NC-17)
Status: Complete (01/17/02)
Summary: Hermione discovers a book with an interesting protection spell. When Harry and his friends try it out, Harry and Draco are left to deal with the results.
Parts: [ One | Two | Three | Four | Five | Six | Seven | End ]
PB Fanart: The bed room scene, by Debbie (Sorry for taking so long to link it here! There was also another one by someone else, but  I don't remember where it went to.)
Title: Smile and Nod
Keywords: mild Angst, mentioned Slash
Status: Complete (2/19/01)
Summary: Lilly Potter has a conversation with her infant son.
Title: Go Quietly
Keywords: Dark, Morbid, Angst, Slash-y
Status: Complete (3/29/01)
Summary: A disturbing look into the mind of Voldemort.
Title: Subjected To Rumor
Keywords: Humor, Parody, Slash
Status: Complete (3/31/02)
Summary: How do you battle a rumor? Not like this. Ron is straight (at least, that's what he says), Harry is flaming (light the torch, baby), Hermione is making plans (that prove she's a slasher at heart), and I think that about covers it.

Author: Bec

Title: We All Fall Down
Keywords: Femslash, Angst, Dark (R)
Status: Complete (2/19/01)
Summary: In which Hermione loses some of her sanity, Ginny loses some of her innocence, and as far as they know, Our Heroes are  losing the War Between Good and Evil.

Author: Slashyme

Title: Unexpected
Keywords: Slash, threesome
Status: Complete (01/17/02)
Summary: Draco ends up at the twins' doorstep in the middle of the night. 


  1. ^ Sadie DragonFire. Things that piss me off in fan fiction, via Wayback: 25 April 2003. (Accessed 23 October 2021)
  2. ^ linky linky, via Wayback: 17 September 2002. (Accessed 12 October 2021)
  3. ^ The Floo Network, via Wayback: 05 April 2003. (Accessed 23 October 2021)