The Double Bind

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Title: The Double Bind
Author(s): Marcella Belle
Date(s): 1989
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Star Trek: TOS
Relationship(s): Kirk/Spock
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The Double Bind is a K/S story by Marcella Belle.

It was published in Charisma #6.


"Spock goes into pon farr and his irrational behavior involves Kirk in a bizarre kidnapping plot that leads Starfleet to believe the two officers are dead, and leaves Kirk without his ship, his career, and his freedom."

Reactions and Reviews

Double Bind is a sad, violent, unsettling story about the pon farr and a forced bonding between Kirk and Spock. I'd definitely call this alternate universe, because of the reprehensible behavior of both Spock and his father, Sarek, towards Kirk. These are not the Vulcans we know and love.

Between them, they devise a plan to abduct Kirk, and keep him prisoner so that he can 'serve' Spock during his pon farr. Kirkis restrained and prepared for Spock, who uses him violently and repeatedly. No consideration is given to Kirk's feelings whatsoever.

There's more to this story than just the rape, however. A bond is formed between Kirk and Spock, and because of that, Sarek decides that Kirk can never return to the Enterprise. Federation gossip has to be avoided at all costs. Kirk and Spock have been declared dead, and Kirk is horrified to find out that he's expected to live in seclusion with Spock for the rest of his life.

I don't know if there's a sequel out there, but I would love to know what happened to the guys after an event this traumatic. I have a tough time believing that Kirk wouldn't try to get away from Spock at a later date, in spite of the bond and his semi-prisoner status. I also have a hard time believing that they could ever be happy together after the horrors of the pon farr.

Double Bind is an interesting story because it shows us a very different Spock and Sarek. They are cruel, calculating, and abusive. Be wamed that Double Bind is definitely not for the feint of heart. Kirk is a survivor, and tries to make the best of an awful situation in the end, but there are no happy endings this time. [1]

Brr, darkness abounds. Unsettling. I can’t see Spock the way the author does but that really isn’t very important as I can go along with her vision because she’s very consistent and believable. This version of Spock... and the only word that comes to mind is...”honorless.” A Spock without compassion and integrity. Almost solely ruled by Vulcan tradition and Vulcan passion. Granted, he’s in pon farr but still, Spock is Spock, pon farr or no pon farr. Violence I can accept but this...? If that’s Spock as she sees him, then he has led a life of lies on the Enterprise. There is something puzzling me. Why can’t they return to the Enterprise and resume their roles as captain and first officer, albeit with the added dimension of their bond but still, it should’ve been possible. Either I missed the explanation or I failed to grasp the author’s reasons. I hope Kirk can keep that little piece of himself, that place where nobody can reach him because if he yields that tiny bit, I fear he will be totally destroyed. That tiny bit is the only leverage he has left. His trust in his friend has been broken or badly damaged. You can be a pragmatic person and try to make the best of the rest of your life, that trust will be very hard to rebuild if it ever does. [2]


  1. ^ from K/S Press #51
  2. ^ from The K/S Press #34