The Department of Magical Crimes

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Fraser/Kowalski Fanfiction
Title: The Department of Magical Crimes
Author(s): Luzula
Date(s): 29 June 2010 – 20 May 2011
Length: 14,819 words
Genre: slash
Fandom: due South
External Links: online here

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The Department of Magical Crimes is a two-part Fraser/Kowalski series by Luzula, comprising "Accidental Bonding" and "Push and Pull". The first part was written for the DS Flashfiction challenge "Compass Points".

Reactions and Reviews

It is almost impossible with Luzula to decide which fic to recommend, because her work is so consistently excellent. I'm picking this one because it's something that could be read by a complete newcomer to the fandom, and give them warm fuzzy feelings for our boys that might draw them further in. Yay! I'm pimping the fandom. But mostly because Luzula expands on the magical realism of the show and makes it more magical, and still painfully, poignantly real. What would happen if two people who loved each other were 'joined' psychically, and one wanted the link, the other didn't? Read this for a beautiful, believable answer. [1]
