The Consort

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Title: The Consort
Author(s): MaddyCain
Date(s): August 24 - October 4, 2008
Length: 119,680 words (34 chapters)
Genre(s): Rated M, Romance/Drama, DG/Cain
Fandom(s): Tin Man (TV)
External Links: The Consort at FFN

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The Consort by MaddyCain is a DG/Cain fanfic.


Before she becomes Queen, DG reluctantly asks her most trusted friend, Wyatt Cain, to be her Consort. When Cain must leave on a dangerous mission, DG realizes that she's fallen in love with her husband, and he with her, but is it too late?

Comments & Reviews

As of February 2, 2016: stats on the story at FFN are 418 reviews, 315 favorites and 70 follows.

"This is a very well written story that is being updated on an almost daily basis. It looks at the relationship between DG and Cain and treats it in a very realistic way. It touched my romantic heart because Maddy lets love grow over time and shows us two people working together in difficult circumstances. Yes, that means there is a plot."[1]

"Well-written, realistic continuation of the Tin Man mini-series and development of the relationship between DG and Cain. DG must take over as Queen of the O.Z. and Cain agrees to become her consort and protector. It is an arranged marriage at first, as Cain is still getting over the loss of his wife and hadn't planned on taking such a prominent role in the O.Z., but he cares for D.G. and is her friend and wants to protect her. The story contains a good deal of intrigue behind the scenes as DG grows into her role and her relationship with Cain deepens."[2]

First I have to admit that, due to the reasons listed behind the link above, I was completely unable to reread the first chapter of this fic. I also wasn't thrilled with the epilogue, which exists entirely to set up a sequel that was never written. Fortunately, these two parts combined are less than 5,000 words and the other 110,000 words of this story are *sheer awesomeness*.

While I admit that I'm a sucker for marriage of convenience fics that tie together two enemies, I also love stories where two platonic friends find themselves bound together in a more intimate (but not necessarily sexual; absolutely no non-con or dub-con here) relationship. MaddyCain does a brilliant job of portraying two people who honestly care for each other, but who don't love each other. Their feelings do change, of course, but it's a slow-building romance, full of ups and downs and sweetness and frustration and all so very, very realistic and plausible.

Giving greater depth and urgency to the story is an ongoing threat from the Longcoats, coupled with a secret society that may or may not be trying to bring down DG. Palace invasions, border skirmishes, and deadly ambushes ensue.

Finally you have the characterization, which is perfect all around. While DG and Cain are both beautifully in character, the true stars of the show are the secondary characters, including all of the good guys from the series as well as a couple of appealing OCs. Of the canon characterizations, Az, Ambrose, and Ahamo (yay alliteration) are my favorites. All three are well-drawn, fully-developed characters who are a delight to read.

Sad at times, but overall sweet and laced through with more than a hint of fluffiness, this is an ideal fic for anyone who enjoys a well-written marriage of convenience.[3]
