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The Canon Cult

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Journal Community
Name: The Canon Cult
Date(s): June 15, 2004 - February 21, 2009
Moderator: wottie
Type: sporking and MSTing
Fandom: Tamora Pierce
URL: https://canon-cult.livejournal.com/

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The Canon Cult, or canon_cult, is a Tamora Pierce LiveJournal community dedicated to sporking, or "Righting The Wrongs of Tamora Pierce Fanon One Badfic at a Time."

Fanfiction.Net has become a wretched pit of poor writing and unoriginality. The Tamora Pierce section is one of the categories most reflective of this deterioration. Armed with only our senses of humor, our knowledge of the English language, and our love for canon, we will attempt to drive away those who cannot write and to improve the ones who aren't living up to their full potential. Join us as we endeavor to obliterate the sub-human species of Mary Sue, to right the wrongs of characterization, to fill gaping plot holes, to smite those who attempt to pass off chat-speak as prose, to banish mile-long author's notes, and -- most importantly -- to make sure no one ever writes another Alanna Goes To The Convent fic ever again. Ever.