The Beauty & the Beast Fictionzine Catalog

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Title: The B&TB Fictionzine Catalog
Publisher: out of Marlboro, MA
Editor(s): Lisa J. Patnaude
Date(s): December 1990
Medium: print
Fandom: Beauty and the Beast (TV)
Language: English
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The Beauty & the Beast Fictionzine Catalog was compiled and edited by Lisa J. Patnaude.


Between 1991-1995, its cost was $18 U.S.


From a flyer:

A collection of Beauty &the Beast fictionzines/fanzines. 83 pages of various fanzines written by various authors. Within this catalog,

is a description of the storyline(s) of each fanzine as well as rating, length, availability, price, etc. No longer will you be confused as to content [1]. Available December 1990.

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  1. ^ "No longer will you be confused as to content" is likely a reference to The Beauty and the Beast Wars and for fans who wanted to know about whether Diana Bennett was included and what that character's role was.