Ten Minutes or So

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Title: Ten Minutes or So
Author(s): Marion Zimmer Bradley
Date(s): 1985
Fandom(s): Darkover
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Ten Minutes or So is a Darkover story by Marion Zimmer Bradley.

from Contes di Cottman IV #7, one of two illos by Hannah Shapero for "Ten Minutes or So." Note: One of the illos for this story by Hannah Shapero also appeared in Definitive Definitive Issue 8 in August 1985 for "Bride Price" a story that was also in a program book for Darkover Grand Council Meeting. The two fics, however, different stories. The illos for both stories did not appear in the program book. In 2016, the artist wrote: "In a fan story, a Darkovan colonial girl nurses a stranded spaceman back to health. This episode appears in almost every fantasy story, a "trope" to use the current word for it. It's also called a "hurt-comfort scene" and was especially popular among the writers of Star Trek fan fiction. Nowadays the fan writers are still producing such scenes in their writing about male British TV adventure characters like Sherlock and Watson. It's much more common to find this scene played between a girl or woman and the male hero, who is often a soldier or a spy. It is always the precursor to a sexual liaison between the recovered man and his caring nurse. In this case there is also the usual corollary, that she gets pregnant by him. The child turns out to be the Liberator of the Colonialists, or the Hero of the Future, given that he has the ancestry from both sides of the conflict. It's Darkovan fan fiction, but as usual I have little or no memory of the original story. I do like that I put garlic in the picture. Black ink on illustration board, 8 1/2" x 11", summer 1984." - [http://pyracanthasketch.blogspot.com/search?updated-max=2016-12-16T01:43:00-05:00&max-results=7&start=70&by-date=false pyracanthasketch

Publishing History

Author's Foreword

From the story's foreword by Marion Zimmer Bradley:

This story obviously takes place in an alternate DARKOVER; if it had happened like this, there would not, of course, have been any novel called HERITAGE OF HASTUR, and the rebellion of Lew Alton against his father would have taken a different form. So I'm not sure I wish it had happened this way. But it would have been less painful for everyone.

Reactions and Reviews

It took place in an alternate universe where Dyan decided not to pursue Danilo, but instead responded to the loneliness of Regis Hastur. Regis was a boy struggling with his gayness and unable to recover from an earlier gay relationship. It was clear that Dyan could give Regis the reassurance he needed to banish the guilt and establish a positive identity. Dyan also needed Regis badly. At last, here was a boy who would love Dyan in return. In "Ten Minutes or So" we get a glimpse of Dyan at his best. [1]
