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Quick n dirty notes

Some links that should probably be added:

Doctor Who & Related Fandoms - fanworks at AO3

Torchwood - fanworks at AO3

neifile7's Meta: Sex, Lies and Storytelling: I Had No Idea I Had Been Traveling, by rm and kalichan - also should create a page for the series itself.

Themes, huh. What are they good for?

Is a characters & themes section appropriate, given that this is not meant to be an encyclopedia of popular culture? --Lipsum 04:24, 29 September 2008 (UTC)

Hi Lipsum! You're right, we're not an encylopedia of popular culture - we want to document the fans, fandom and fanon rather than the canon.
That said, there is a lot of valuable info we want to document about fannish engagement with characters and themes. For this we have subpages! So, for example, you're welcome to create Torchwood/Captain Jack Harkness as a subpage which would introduce the character briefly and then go on to discuss fannish engagement with him, and any relevant fanon. See for example The Sentinel/Blair Sandburg.
In terms of themes, is it something that could be addressed on the main Torchwood page? As long as it related to the fandom, that is. For example, under a subhead called "Themes", you might have "Themes of life and death prevalent in the show are often played with by Janto shippers, who often write Ianto as immortal in order to give Jack a perpetual companion" (just for example, off the top of my head ;)).
What do you think?
--Hope 04:33, 29 September 2008 (UTC)
I've put "themes" back in.
--Lipsum 03:47, 9 October 2008 (UTC)

A rationale for the current organization of the "Torchwood Fandom" section and its subsections

Okay, after the introductory paragraph, I've got separate sections for what I think of as the "epochs" of the fandom. I believe that it will probably make sense to define the epochs by the seasons of the show... unless/until it gets canceled.

Under the introductory paragraph for each epoch, there are subsections for that epoch's a) fansites established, and b) events such as cons and fic challenges. As more information accumulates in these subsections, it may eventually make more sense to turn the bulleted lists into narrative form, possibly with subdivisions, or even a separate subpage for that epoch.

--Lipsum 03:46, 9 October 2008 (UTC)