Talk:Pokémon Game Fandom

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I think there's enough info that each generation should get its own page, with a brief overview here. Compare to: Robin_(DC_Comics) --Elf (talk) 00:43, 18 September 2023 (UTC)

Shiny Hunting

I don't think there's anywhere on any of the Pokemon pages that mentions shiny hunting, which I feel is a notable fan activity, since the shiny hunting community has its own events (ex. safari week, rumble weekend, week of legends, fossil week etc.), but I understand it is very different to the types of fan activities normally documented on fanlore, so I wanted to ask if it would make sense for me to add a section on shiny hunting or not.

Gaming fandom in general is different from most of what Fanlore covers, and will take a different approach. Shiny hunting should get covered, because it's a fannish activity that has communities and events and so on. It might go here, or there might be enough activity to give it its own page, much like fanfic exchanges aren't just covered under fanfic, or like mermay isn't just a subsection of merpeople. --Elf (talk) 21:13, 18 October 2023 (UTC)