Talk:Mystery Flesh Pit National Park

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Privacy questions

I headed over to the official MFP Discord server for further research, and a moderator linked me to a Google Drive folder containing multiple fanworks as something to document/mention. However, since the Drive contains real names, and Discord and Google Drive are not public-facing websites (unlike forums, blogs, etc.), I don't know if this would be breaking any privacy/outing guidelines. It should be noted that the owner/manager of the folder has linked the folder on /r/FleshPitNationalPark (a public subreddit) and the Discord does not have any membership requirements/limitations for viewing. Pinky G Rocket (talk) 20:49, 11 February 2022 (UTC)

Hi Pinky G Rocket, just so that I am clear - are you thinking of linking the Google Drive folder on Fanlore? Or just documenting the fanworks linked there? Are these fanworks that the authors deliberately chose not to publish more widely (e.g. on AO3) for a particular reason? How did they come to be collected in the folder?
From an outing standpoint, there isn't inherently an issue with documenting fanworks published under someone's real name unless this somehow connects the fan's real name with their fannish work in a way that was unwanted. If they are happy to have their real name attached to the works, that's fine. As for documenting the works on Fanlore, I think that kind of depends on what the expectation of privacy levels was when the authors published these works to (or had them collected in) the Google Drive folder. Was it chosen specifically as a more private way to publish works, or was it more just an alternative format for publication? --enchantedsleeper (talk) 20:56, 11 February 2022 (UTC)
Hello enchantedsleeper; I'd like to link the folder, provide an overview, and link to some individual works in the Examples section. My goal with the main page is not to document each and every fanwork; that is an impossible undertaking. Instead, I want to look at the fandom as a whole. As for any expectation of privacy, I went ahead and asked the moderator/manager of the folder:
Ah, no. The link to the archive has been my status here on discord for almost a year and has been posted across the internet by multiple people.

Pinky G Rocket (talk) 21:15, 11 February 2022 (UTC)
In that case, I'd say that you're fine! If any of the fanwork authors want to remove real names later on for any reason, they can make an Identity Protection request and we will action that quickly for them. --enchantedsleeper (talk) 21:18, 11 February 2022 (UTC)