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Talk:Morgan Dawn
I would include something about you and EDS. You've posted widely about it, and raised some awareness about invisible and not-very-visible disabilities in fandom. Why not post about it? Sherrold 21:21, 2 October 2008 (UTC)
I wouldn't include EDS myself because it doesn't play a role in how I see *my* fannish life? If it played a role in fandom vis a vis raising the awareness of others to invisible disablities, then by all means add it - the outsider perspective is how I imagine a Wiki works. We don't (often) get to define our own place in history. I also post widely about finances and IP issues, help maintain the Vidding LJ community and pushed the transition to streaming web services for fanvids (iMeem). I spend a lot of time linking fans and communities together by cross-posting and pointing people to items and other persons of interest. Do you think any of that has had an impact on fandom? Morgan Dawn