Manacled being sold for profit, various formats
In addition to the ongoing issue the author has been having with people selling bound copies of the book, it seems Manacled was recently listed on Kindle Unlimited/being sold on Kindle (it seems to have been removed now, there are screenshots of the listing). The book-binding selling has also ramped up again due to a rise of discussion of it on TikTik. Some links if they're helpful to anyone in the future:
- SenLinYuWrites, "Apparently Manacled is being sold on Amazon", Archived version
- Tweet calling Manacled the "Colleen Hoover" of fanfic, Archived version, which is referencing the whole situation around ZLibrary going offline after TikTokers began sharing links to the site widely. Some people are concerned there will be a similar drawing off attention from corporations around bookbinding sales due to TikTok videos trending.
- Example of concerns about repercussions, Archived version. Regardless of the likelihood of something happening, due to the impact TikTok had on Z-Library and on the academic survey site, Prolific, people can be very twitchy about the possible ramifications of certains things getting big on TikTok.
- Manacled search on etsy showing £100+ listings plus a £0.74 ebook listing, Archived version and one example of a listing including reviews, Archived version which indicate people are paying for them.
Cookies and chaos (talk) 16:07, 3 February 2024 (UTC)
Fandom Etiquette Clash re: reviews etc.
I'm not sure how to summarise this, but I wonder if it's worth adding something about how since Manacled became so widely read outside of fandom spaces, there are a lot of discussions around fandom etiquette vs how traditionally published books are reviewed by people on platforms like YouTube/TikTok/Goodreads/Own blogs and websites. There's a bit of it in this thread on r/fantasyromance "Manacled - it didn't change my life., r/fantasyromance,1 February 2024". Archived from the original on 2024-11-28. and I've pulled a few quotes that kind of show what I mean. That said, because this has also happened with other works, it might be that these instances of breaching containment and the impact they have re: fandom culture might be better on another page (such as the feedback page or another one), then have a brief sentence or two on here which links to the other page. I'm not sure:
Honestly - everyone bashing on a fanfic like this is not OK. If you didn’t like it, just put it down and move on. No need to publicly hate on what someone wrote for free as a hobby in their own time.It’s a fanfic not a published book. The popularity of Manacled (and others) has completely eroded fanfiction etiquette just so the influencers can have a pay day.
I’m going to disagree here (unsurprisingly). Everyone critiques books, fanfics, YouTube videos, you name it. Created content will always be explored with divided opinions. And every piece of work on here gets pulled apart - look at SJM. The simple fact of doing something they can’t be recompensed for doesn’t mean it should never be looked at with a critical eye. I’ve already said I respect the author for that, for a labour of love that they will never properly own or be acknowledged for.I was being critical regarding the mistakes and I appreciate it is fanfic and not fully edited but it was actually merely a surprise due to the effort otherwise gone in, such as it being illustrated.
These published works and authors should absolutely be critiqued because they are published works—a commodity, with a team of editors and publishers. Fanfiction legally cannot be a commodity, so it should not be held to the same standard as published works.I actually didn’t understand this either when I got into fanfiction last year. Authors and people from the community helped me understand fanfiction etiquette and the very valid reasons for it. I implore you to read more into it as I did.
That's the problem. The culture and etiquette is being lost because the fanfic is being pushed out on main stream platforms like tiktok and reddit. And people fall back on well it was published content so I can publish my opinion as well. And completely disregarding fanfic culture. Can you have an opinion on fanfic, sure! Just don't blast it all over public places where the author can't see it or control it.Fanfic is a gift, a hobby being shared with us. Just like if your friend had a hobby of baking and shared that with the office. You wouldn't then go all over tiktok blasting it as if it was a real business.
Fanfic is a gift it should be treated as such.
Please remember that someone wrote this for free, with no professional editing or help from a publisher, and that it was meant to be shared with a community of people who love those characters. The author said she wrote it in bits and pieces on her phone while she was nursing her newborn daughter. It’s not fair to rip apart someone’s passion project on a forum intended to share and discuss published works by paid, professional authors. (On the flip side, I don’t think it’s fair to deify a fanfic the way it’s been done on TikTok either, but that’s a whole other discussion)howlsmovingaprtment
Also, there is the interesting quote about Manacled acting as a gateway into fanfiction for this reader in their 50s, which I thought was interesting:
I stumbled upon manacled this fall, and it was my first fanfiction ever (I am 52, and read a lot, I have no idea why it took me so long to find fanfic). Manacled was eyeopening as a gateway to fanfiction (and Dramione - I did not know that was a thing either!). I enjoyed the surprise of it, but also felt the emotion of it, having finished it. In that sense similar to, say, The Road, or the Hyperion Cantos or even Lord of the rings: it was a read that I kept thinking about for a while. Though admittedly I think books like LOTR or Hyperion have more depth. I don’t expect to reread Manacled: while I was massively impressed and hooked into the story, like you I found not all of it convincing. But, as a reasonably well-read lady of a certain age, I do not often encounter a book that packs an unexpected punch. It did not shatter me or fundamentally - or even superficially - chanced my life (except for reading many other fanfics since then which is enriching; and I enjoyed - as a fun piece - DAATMOBIL). Such phrases about life changing, I would expect, are also hyperbole,perhaps?therealladysybil
Finally, people on TikTok did this whole "Before and After Reading Manacled" thing and there's a lot of comments going various directions that might be of interest: Cookies and chaos (talk) 10:55, 28 November 2024 (UTC)
- I think having a section covering the topic would be a good idea, although we might have to shuffle some stuff around a bit -- Kingstoken (talk) 11:01, 28 November 2024 (UTC)