Talk:John Sheppard

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Archived Discussions:

needs more fandom tag removed

I removed the 'needs more fandom' tag as there is a lot of fandom information here related to John Sheppard. It's possible that it needs to be organized differently so that the first information seen is fannish, rather than canon, info. I also moved the old discussions to an archive page, hopefully cleaning up this page a bit to make it easier to find current conversation. --rache 17:04, 8 February 2009 (UTC)

Team leader

Quote: "He is also the putative leader of Atlantis's primary contact team (it could be argued that Teyla Emmagan is, in fact, just as effective as team leader)" - I have never seen this argued anywhere. On the contrary, I've often seen it referred to as "Sheppard's Team", "Team Sheppard" and the like. Does anyone have a reference for this?, otherwise I'd delete it. --Tiyire 11:24, 21 October 2011 (UTC)

Oh, how I wish I could argue with you on this one. *G* Well, I'd definitely delete "putative," as he *is* officially the leader. I don't think the person who put in that sentence was trying to say that the team was known in fandom as "Teyla's team" or anything like that, but that it was generally acknowledged that canonically, Teyla quietly, unofficially carried a lot of the weight of leadership, ie being the one to assess and handle "first contact" interactions ("Underground" and "Letters from Pegasus" among others) and making sure John doesn't run off half-cocked on his first crazy plan and get himself/everyone killed because "it's the right thing to do!" (again, "Letters from Pegasus" and so many other episodes) and so on. She also clearly takes over as leader when Sheppard is trapped in the time dilation field in "Epiphany", so she's at least second in command. (After Ford goes missing, anyway.) Maybe "ostensible" would've been a better word than "putative." -- Liviapenn 12:27, 21 October 2011 (UTC)
I agree with you, but maybe that could be put in the section "Sheppard in the Pegasus Galaxy" or elsewhere? Having it in the very first paragraph creates a false or at least misleading impression, imo. *looks up "ostensible"* It would probably be better, but I think "leader" is enough. --Tiyire 12:39, 21 October 2011 (UTC)
I agree. And the bit about Leadership!Teyla would probably be better placed on *Teyla's* page. They already have the bit about how she was actually in charge of the entire city a couple of times, so maybe there. -- Liviapenn 13:29, 21 October 2011 (UTC)
I agree that Teyla's page would be a better place for that part. --Doro 19:33, 21 October 2011 (UTC)
I changed it on Sheppard's page, but don't know how to phrase the addition to Teyla's. --Tiyire 09:54, 22 October 2011 (UTC)

Fan Art

Anyone want to tackle the fanart section? Almost all of the fanart links in are outdated (log-in required, "photobucket" splashed across the front, simply gone). MPH 15:25, 8 February 2023 (UTC)