Talk:Home to Roost (Star Trek: TOS zine)

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I tried to make sense of the content here. The Zinedex mentions they might be IDIC reprints, but the dates of the IDIC zines except for one are not actually prior to this, and for that one the stories don't match. I did however find several of these stories in the ScoTpress archive, and they usually seem to be stories that were first printed in US zines like Contact or Alnitah. So my best guess is that this "IDIC" label is actually a ScoTpress imprint, and reprinting originally US published material in the UK, which would explain the "Home to Roost" title. Any opinions? Does this seem plausible? Meanwhile I'm going to add the online links to the stories I found and the info where they were published first.--RatCreature 18:31, 17 January 2010 (UTC)

I suppose it's possible and I wouldn't be surprised but I'm not sure what you mean with "the dates of the IDIC zines except for one are not actually prior to this." On the IDIC (Star Trek: TOS zine) page it says the zine is from the 70s and according to this page Home to Roost was published in 1989. --Doro 18:50, 17 January 2010 (UTC)
Yes that is the one IDIC that was published earlier, but it has partial TOCs, and none of the stories match there, which could be bad luck, but the Scotpress site lists all the stories I could find as first published in various zines, none of them called IDIC anything.--RatCreature 19:02, 17 January 2010 (UTC)
Seeing the content you've added, your theory makes even more sense. Most of the stories seem to be by Sheila Clark and she was one of the founders of Scotpress. --Doro 19:35, 17 January 2010 (UTC)
Yes, that was why I thought this the likeliest scenario, even though it does not say ScoTpress on the cover.--RatCreature 21:00, 17 January 2010 (UTC)