Take it from the Inside

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Title: Take it from the Inside
Author(s): ariadnes_string
Date(s): 23 December 2010
Length: 3,622 words
Genre(s): slash fanfiction
Fandom(s): Hawaii Five-0
External Links: Take it from the Inside (AO3)

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Take it from the Inside is a Steve/Danny story by ariadnes_string.

Summary: Coda for 1.09. Most men would need to feel less pain in order to sleep after a night like that. Stood to reason that Steve McGarrett would need to feel more.

Recs and Reviews

Coda for 1x09. Knife kink. Holy crap, this was hot. But you guys know I'm in this for the emotional connection, and I am so happy to tell you that this one nails it. Check the warnings if knife/blood/pain-play is an issue, but this is me, waving all kinds of happy-flags to tell you that it has way more depth (and sweetness and caring and love) than your basic run-of-the-mill kink-fic, so even if knives don't do it for you, Danny taking care of Steve just might.[1]


  1. ^ topaz119. h5-0 things that made me happy, 19 December 2010. (Accessed 13 June 2016)