Total Drama: All-Stars

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Name: Total Drama All★Stars
Abbreviation(s): TDAS
Creator: Fresh TV, Teletoon
Date(s): 10 September - 03 December 2013 (United States; Aired in Canada Later)
Medium: Cartoon
Country of Origin: Canada
External Links: Total Drama All-Stars on Total Drama Wiki
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Total Drama: All-Stars is the fifth season of Total Drama. It stars 14 contestants and two hosts, all of whom return from either Island (2007) or Revenge of the Island.

Listed alphabetically, the contestants are Alejandro, Cameron, Courtney, Duncan, Gwen, Heather, Jo, Lightning, Lindsay, Mike, Sam, Scott, Sierra and Zoey. One of Mike's alters, Mal, is introduced. Chris McLean and Chef Hatchet host.

Total Drama All-Stars is regarded poorly by fans for various reasons.


See List of Total Drama Relationship Names for more ship information.

The most popular pairing for contestants who compete in Total Drama All-Stars is Mike/Zoey. Other popular ships are Alejandro/Heather and Courtney/Gwen.

Remaining common pairings for Total Drama All-Stars include Courtney/Scott, Duncan/Zoey, Cameron/Gwen, Duncan/Mal and Alejandro/Mal. Chef/Chris is worth mentioning as well. The crack ship Courtney/José is also shipped, though primarily on Tumblr as a fandom in-joke while All-Stars was airing.

In-Universe Casting

A fan's speculation, given what was known about All-Star's cast during December 2012. Its creator is unknown.

Total Drama All-Stars's casting is considered a disappointment. Many fan favorites who could be considered all stars, such as Leshawna, Anne Maria, Brick, Owen and Harold aren't present. Other contestants, such as Noah and Dawn, wouldn't be considered all stars, yet many fans still wanted them to return for this new season. Canon Rewrites are common, and almost all of them change the lineup.

A popular rewrite, Total Drama: All Stars Rewrite by RagtimeSpecter (account since orphaned), adds Brick, Dawn, Anne Maria, Owen, Izzy, Eva, Noah and Cody while removing Sam and Lindsay[1]. Meta[2] often delves into why fans want these rewrites, and its not uncommon for hypothetical fanseasons to be placed in-between Revenge of the Island and All-Stars, such as in enteringdullsville's, Archived version, to try and resolve larger issues surrounding All-Star's development.

Mal vs the Fandom

Total Drama All-Stars introduced Mal, a character considered unpopular. He is the "villain" of this season, a character trope common in competitive Reality TV shows, which has appeared in Total Drama seasons before. Unlike previous villains, his villainy is considered classic, thus lacks depth because he has no motivation to be a causing trouble. Meta[3] may try and bring depth to his character by exploring unexplained factual information about him, particularly regarding his time in juvenile detention with Duncan.

Fanworks including Mal tend to not take his villainy seriously, and may portray him as emo[4].

Big Red "Reset" Button

Total Drama All-Stars's finale had Mike "fix" his DID disorder by pressing a "reset" button in his headspace, which made Mike the sole personality, amalgamating Svetlana, Chester, Vito and Manitoba Smith into himself and eliminating Mal entirely. Needless to say, this did not go over well with fans. Mike was already an unpopular character, and his DID was already considered poorly handled, so this only scorched flames. The tag "Mike (Total Drama) Didn't Have A Reset Button" is wrangled on Archive of Our Own.

Mike's character concept sounds interesting on paper; he has MPD/DID and he's insecure about it and he's afraid it might ruin his love life. That concept sounds interesting. Unfortunately, it was executed too poorly for words and the writers decided to have him cure his own mental illness with a reset button (I don't wanna be rude but I don't think mental illnsesses are cured with the push of a button). Without his personalities, Mike is about as one-demonsional as Lightning (lots of people say that Zoey has no personality and while I will admit that she could use a bit more character development, at least she has a few personality traits. Lightning's only trait is that he's dumb as sh*t and that's about it). Here's how I would write Mike:...[5]


Example/Notable Fanac





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References/Further Reading