Switch Hitters

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Title: Switch Hitters
Author(s): Kaye Austen Michaels
Date(s): 2005
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Starsky & Hutch
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Switch Hitters is a Starsky/Hutch story by Kaye Austen Michaels.

It is in the zine Timeless #2.

Reactions and Reviews

In another section I'd made mention of KAM's willingness to go the AU route with our boys. This is a prime example. You don't have to like baseball to enjoy this story, but it certainly doesn't hurt.

Hutch is a troubled pitcher and Starsky is the veteran catcher assigned to whip him into shape. They don't like each other all that much in the beginning. But as they work together, first a friendship grows, then a physical relationship.

From the start, however, they've got issues. Starsky makes it clear the only place he "catches" is behind home plate, neither are willing to jeopardize their careers nor entirely give up the ladies. Through everything, however, their passion grows until finally everything has to change.

KAM is one of the very best writers in all of S&H. I could recommend any one of her stories, but this is special. Maybe it's the scope of it (the story spans five years, with locations scattered across the country), maybe it's the huge cast of supporting characters (all from canon, though playing very different roles), or the way she manages to bring in humor, angst, action and that soul deep affection that only KAM can write. It's a keeper, and can be found in the Files section of Love of Me and Thee's Yahoo group page, or in the zine Timeless II. [1]


  1. ^ from Romance –- Ancasta