Sweet Dreams (Star Trek: TOS story)

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Title: Sweet Dreams
Author(s): Deborah
Date(s): 2012
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Star Trek: TOS
Relationship(s): Kirk/Spock
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Sweet Dreams is a Star Trek: TOS Kirk/Spock story by Deborah.

It was published in the print zine Legends #7.


"Kirk is having some rather disturbing dreams about his first officer."

Reactions and Reviews


Wonderful sexy beginning! After such a long detailed description, I don't even mind the twist on the third page. Usually when that device is used, I find myself as frustrated as the character, but in this case (due to the excellent writing) I can appreciate Kirk's frustration but feel very satisfied myself. And of course I couldn't resist the sexy scene in the middle either. Wow! I definitely look forward to reading more of Ms Cummins... [1]


Good language, good writing, imagery apt and also sometimes amusing. Unfolding of tale done well. Really effective level of tension. Charged, strong, sensual right off -- I like that. Rather raw, but not unsubtle. No-bones dominance/submission. Sexual meld was excellent. Loved the second dream -- a good way to play out of a scenario with no realism intruding. The opening-of-the-sanctuary/dreams-come-true symbolism was inventive. [2]


Richly sensuous beginning as Kirk and Spock lay in each other's arms.

"Good morning,' Spock murmured in that magnificent voice of his. Kirk said nothing, just lay there looking up Spock was raised on one elbow, the pose highlighting the muscles in his arms and chest. His hair was in disarray. There was a slight smile on his face. James Kirk thought that he had never seen such a beautiful sight in all his life."

This is great: "Spock slid a hand along the inside of one thigh, his fingers probing gently, finding things that, until a few weeks ago, Kirk didn't even know were there."

Then rightaway, as they make love, it's so drop-dead sexy that I couldn't stand it... or stand, or sit...

"This was love-making among Spock's people, sex pushed to its ultimate primeval limits."

Usually, it's never a surprise when "it's all a dream". Here it was completely unexpected. Except now that I told you.

Spock has been injured and is recuperating in sickbay. Kirk is plagued by intense erotic dreams usually with Spock as dominant Oh boy!

This is good, solid reading and plenty hot. "Kirk sat back. His groin was throbbing again, sending out shards of sensation that cut deep into his soul." I wish I wrote that!

Lovely tie-in with Spock's accident and Kirk's dreams. But somewhat of a disappointing ending for two reasons. One too fast, too abrupt especially when they declare their love. Two. because by having their desire "deflate", so to speak, at the end of the story it robbed the reader of excitement. [3]


A "first time" in which Kirk has to cope with some disturbing dreams about his first officer--with a somewhat predictable resolution but, at the same time, a magical twist at the end that the reader does not expect but makes perfect sense. I loved this one-- partly because this writer's Kirk and Spock just always seem so right (very male, very alpha), and partly because this writer has such a crisp and intelligent style. I just wanted this story to go on and on! [4]


  1. ^ from The LOC Connection #18
  2. ^ from The LOC Connection #45
  3. ^ from The LOC Connection #59 (1993)
  4. ^ from The K/S Press #186