Swan Song for a Survivor

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Title: Swan Song for a Survivor
Author(s): Jean L. Stevenson
Date(s): 1988
Genre(s): gen
Fandom(s): Blake's 7
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Swan Song for a Survivor is a Blake's 7 story by Jean L. Stevenson.

It was printed in the zine 5th Season #5.

Reactions and Reviews

I like this one a lot, even though I would ideally want the Blake-Avon relationship to be a bit nicer. Avon really hates him and Blake - seems not to give a fuck about him as a person. Plus, there's a bit where the narrative taunts me with the idea that Blake will be pretend to be a (sort of) prostitute to bust Avon out of jail, and then he's like 'lol, no way', so Cally has to do it. Boo. It's an Avon is telepathic fic - and the telepathy part is... both interestingly rendered and kind of annoying (not helped by the font). For a 'fake relationship' plot, though, it's surprisingly serious and sad. It's mostly a fic about the consequences of being a rebel- with some A/C out of circumstance. Indeed, the Avon/Cally stuff never quite works for me (surprise surprise, but seriously - it's all a bit creepy), but the Avon bitterness really does.[1]
