Steve McGarrett Never Really Was That Observant

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Title: Steve McGarrett Never Really Was That Observant
Author(s): creedcascade
Date(s): 03 October 2010
Length: ~29,000 words
Genre(s): slash fanfiction
Fandom(s): Hawaii Five-0
External Links: Steve McGarrett Never Really Was That Observant (LJ)

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Steve McGarrett Never Really Was That Observant is a Steve/Danny story by creedcascade.

Summary: Steve woke up one morning several months after meeting Danny only to realize that he’s pretty much married to the man. How in the hell did that happen?

Recs and Reviews

The great thing about Steve and Danny is that they have so much on screen chemistry that they can be fluffy and domestic even before they are officially together in a romantic way. This story highlights that because after they fall asleep on the couch watching football they make breakfast and Steve bought Danny fruit loops. It’s the little moments that make this a great story the part about the tie is almost tear jerky as is the reference to Grace inviteing Steve to Jersey for Christmas. It is just an adorable story all around.[1]
