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Title: Steadfast
Author(s): Adrian Alexander
Date(s): 1991
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Star Trek: TOS
Relationship(s): Kirk/Spock
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Steadfast is a K/S story by Adrian Alexander.

It was published in the print zine Naked Times #25.


"Spock asks Kirk to tell him their personal history after seeing Kirk with another man, realizing that he and Kirk may have had a relationship before the fal tor pan."

Reactions and Reviews


Was very enjoyable. It was concise and clear, neither too long, nor too short, but just right. Her style is wonderful. [1]

I liked this story although I found myself wanting more to be said at the end. It felt unfinished to me. I really expected Spock to ask more about Captain Jennings and what he meant to Kirk. Was it love? Infatuation? Is it over now? And I'm curious as to what Kirk's answer would be. I guess I believe that Vulcans, Spock especially, would be very possessive and I wanted to see that possessiveness.

The story was very well written and held my interest.

I just wish the author had written a few more pages. [2]


I found myself skating on thin ice with lots of unanswered questions with this story.

Questions like: Where are they? What is the time frame? Is Kirk on convalescence leave? Are they on R&R? What are Uhura and Sulu doing there? Where does that young man-one of the ex-admiral Kirk's staff and recently promoted to captain-come from? Was he just dropping by? Sucking Kirk's cock for old times' sakes? How did he know where to find him? Why would Kirk want to keep his same- sex liaisons a secret?

Perhaps these are immaterial questions, but they interfered badly. I kept looking for an anchor and found none.

Spock's reverence for life is so ingrained that it won't allow him to treat any living creature (like that horse) so irresponsibly and so carelessly.

I loved Spock's delightful, gentle humor. He knows exactly what to say.

Kirk's narrative on how they became lovers is great, but it would've been better if I could've been present. [3]
